Directors Message
Nimisha Jaiswal, Direcor

Directors Message

CADENCE SILIGURI has always been ahead of its times.

The institute has pioneered at imparting fashion, interior education in India, the institute has also mainstreamed.

The curriculum offers multidisciplinary learning that prepare students for real life challenges and allows them to carve out unique pathways for themselves. The industry academia interface strengthened through classroom projects, internships and gradation projects that allows for real time learning for the students The initiative of involving students and faculty in cutting edge projects creates the platform for embedded research leaming opporturies.

The instrute welcomes CADENCE aspirant from all walls of lives with open as when you jo CADENCE always remember your purry begun for a bright future.

Thanks & Regards.

Mrs. Nimisha Jaiswal

Director, Cadence Academy Siliguri

+91 98320 51022
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